Look for the Rainbow

In times of trouble, it is always good to know and feel like everything will get better.  This week my posts are about music and how it helped me through each decade of my life.  I am on my third decade.  This was probably the most stormy time of my life, but brought me the most rainbows.  At this point, I feel more control of my life.  But, there are times I can't control.  And, to deal with those times, it always involved a long car drive.  I remember when I looked to buy my first car.  I saved my money, and had my dad look with me.  It had to have a working radio, and I remember him vividly saying that is the last thing you should care about.  Well, that car needed a new engine and went through a can of oil every week.  But, it got me back and forth to a college three and a half hours away.
But, anyway there is nothing to this day, that clears my mind like a car ride.  When I took a drawing class in the second round of college.  The class had a text book called:  Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  And, I learned to be able to draw,  I had to use the right side of brain.  I found it fascinating.  But, I didn't know I did it naturally.  So, the first lesson was to think of how you are when you drive a car.  Can you remember every single thing you did to get to  a destination?  Was, there a time during the ride you remember, you just got to your destination without really thinking about what you are doing?  That is when you are in a zone.  And, that is the zone you want to get into when you are creating.  I find if I try to do that, it is hard.  But, I do try to create a space where I have everything I need together and ready, put some music on, light a candle of a favorite scent, have natural light and get to work.
So, I think this frame of mind is a great way to approach life.  As much as we can create a perfect life, there are still going to be things that happen. Things can get in your way that are totally out of your control.
Again, think about driving through a storm,  an unexpected traffic jam, getting every red light, waiting in line at a drive through, or a road full of pot holes.  How do you react?  I think it depends on your destination.  Is it going to effect your day at work?  Is it the third time you have been late for work this week?  So, how you prepare your environment each day helps, but doesn't always give you the outcome you want.  So, a good attitude can help you through.  Life is going to have it's storms.  With an attitude full of gratitude you can never go wrong.  And, always remember to get out there. It's hard to see a rainbow, when you are always inside.  For, me that also means to fight what comes naturally.  I am naturally an introvert.  But, in order for life to happen, I can't sit back and wait for it to happen.  I have to make an effort and get over myself.  So, weather the storm and look for the rainbows.  And, know that every storm does not come with rainbows.  But, the more you show up the better the chance to see one.  Again, I like Facebook, because it allows me to see more rainbows.
Sharing the positive of rainbows is life affirming and what it is all about.  It is not just the rainbows you see that can make you happy, knowing others see them is comforting, too.

Quote of the day:  “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!”  Dolly Parton

Song of the Day:  She's A Rainbow by the Rolling Stones


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