Bloom Where You are Planted.
Each Saturday I would like to go through how each week went. Since, this is the beginning of the month of April I would like to summarize the goals achieved for the month as well. So, I was set to liven up my patio this Spring, without spending a lot of money. I started by visiting one of my favorite stores, The Christmas Tree Shoppe. I had a lot of success. I was able to buy the blue long planters for $9.99, the two chairs came with a table that Glen had to put together. It's called a bistro set and was $69.99 on sale for $39.99 when I was there. And, the most important was the outdoor rug for $14.99. It doesn't look so pretty, but will stop all the growth coming through the patio blocks. I like the moss coming through, buy we get some real nasty, stubborn growth back there. I loved looking at the date of the receipt, because it was March Fourth!
So, that is how I go with my goals, now. Just going with what is right, when I see it. Planning, but not just buying unless the price is right. I planted the planters and bought a lot that were in some great containers. I can't wait to take pictures this week, because the daffodils and hyacinths started to bloom.
This week was a nice introduction for being in isolation for a while. I cooked dinner most nights, Glen cooked last night. We haven't even had a take out dinner, yet. Maybe this week we will. I set out to write cards this week. My dining room table was covered with envelopes, note cards, stamps, address book, and return address labels. I would watch a movie and start writing cards. In 2016, I joined a group called write_on where the goal is to send one card for each day in the month of April. Each year I would get through the first few days with some success. This year April 1st I sent out 5 cards. Then yesterday I put together an Easter package for my daughter, a shower gift and wrote out 13 cards to put in the mail today! So, now all of the table is empty to start new projects this week.
This week I would like to start framing and scrapbooking pictures. I would also like to start listing items for sale on Ebay. My morning routine is meditation, prayer and then writing my blog entry. It is a great way to start the day. I always feel positive in the morning. Without a lot of distractions, I am able to get some things done. But, most of all I haven't felt this relaxed in a really long time. Looking forward to what next brings. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. Also, was able to attend a symposium online for the Tuesday Record Club from Monmouth University and the record album was Let It Be and attended a Weight Watcher meeting virtually through an App called Zoom. Hope to be comfortable with the app, so the family can be virtually together on Easter.
Quote of the day: “Hope is a state of mind, not of the world. Hope in this deep and powerful sense, is… an ability to work for something because it is good.” – Vaclav Havel
Song of the day: Let it Be by the Beatles
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