Can You Feel It?

Hoping you all had a good week.  We ate take out almost all week.  So, I would have time to set the table.  Are you being kind to yourselves?  This is a time like no other.  I have had this attitude this week, of trying to stay focused on the good. I have been using the good dishes and my waterford.  If not now, when will I use it?   It really helps.  Yesterday, was a good example.  I set out to start new projects for this week. So, I spent the morning putting together everything I would need.  Before I knew it, it was 12:30 in the afternoon.  I ate my lunch and started the project, but wasn't very motivated and then it was 4pm and I didn't get my walk in.  So, I decided to try a video of a site I just found.  I loved it!!!  I am so happy I found something I will follow through and do.  The music is great and one of the songs is my favorite.  I was just talking about the song on Facebook within the hour.  And, for me to hear the song during the exercise video was invigorating.  I tried really hard not to go out yesterday.  It seems I can't get through the day without taking a ride.  So, at 6 pm I ran to the  bank, and the song when I got in the car was "Soul Driver" which I've been talking about, too.  Kind of random I know.  But, it is just this thing I have about hearing the exact song I need to hear at the right time.  It gives me a good feeling.  
Thursday night ABC had a Disney Sing Along.  I think I tortured Glen at the same time, but I had to watch it.  It was so good.  That morning I was going through all my Disney supplies and made a bag up for a co-worker's  family.  She has three children and they make cards for neighbors in town who need cheering up. Going through everything,  I thought I had made my Disney Scrapbook.  Which I did, but I still have a ton of pictures.  So, this coming week is Disney week!  Disney quotes and songs to get you through.  I may lose some readers here, but it is all about the good.  And, frankly I think Disney is the best, for making one feel hopeful.

Quote of the Day:  Within the soul of America is freedom of mind and spirit in man. Here alone are the open windows through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit. Here alone is human dignity not a dream but an accomplishment. Perhaps it is not perfect, but it is more full in realization here than any other place in the world. Herbert Hoover


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