Here Comes the Sun

I don't know about you, but I love the change of seasons.  But, the last few years,getting from January until Easter has been really challenging.  A couple of years ago, I would listen to music and paint from what I imagined,  as I heard the music.  I chose happy music, so the image would make be feel happier.  I love google home for this.  So far, out of all the Artists I ask google to play the Beatles is the best mix of music.  When I break my life down to decades, I am pretty blessed that this was the dominant music played on the radio, especially the first decade.  Their music was all about love, love, love.  This particular song Here Comes the Sun was played first and foremost every time we opened the store each morning.  Glen, especially made a point of playing this song.  I also, used this song when I was painting when the only light we had during the weeks of no electricity, after Superstorm  Sandy.  It is a very optimistic and hopeful song.  I have also written about the song Light of Day and how helpful we have a music festival in January in Asbury Park.  Since, I haven't been going as much the last few years, it really has made that time of year more challenging to get through.  
In my personal life I can say that every ten years, I went through a personal challenge.  And, what got me through was music and Art.  So, it makes perfect sense it is what I am drawn to, now.  It helps me not to worry, keeps me focused on the good, keeps my thoughts clearer, and leaves me with a more joyful feeling.  And, if you are like me, it doesn't cost anything.  I pick up supplies all the time.  And, I really like the thought of making do with what I have on hand.
So, in all the virtual ways to spend our days.  I found their is actually a name for all of this.  Tomorrow I will be sharing more about that.  But, for now my post is mostly about focusing on the good.  What makes us feel good?  What makes us happy in this marathon called life.  Do we concentrate on the good or the bad?  The quote I am sharing has been my favorite and my go to quote for thirty years now.  If anyone asked what my favorite was, this is it!  It is a reminder to focus on the good.  Good feels good!  Goodness makes us happy!  Sharing goodness makes us feel better.  And choosing joy is the ultimate.  And, when we really look at our lives, we realize it is actually a choice.  
I hope you choose joy today, it is a dark and dreary one.....again.  But, if you choose joy, by making good choices for might make your day!

Quote of the Day:  To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life   Samuel Johnson


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