Dear Chocolate

Dear Chocolate,

First of all, I would like to thank you.  Thank you for always being there for me.  Whether, it is to celebrate a holiday, share with customers and co-workers or help me in I a time of need for comfort.  You are always there for me.  I tried to give you up for Lent this year.  It got off to a rocky start, when I realized I had a hot chocolate at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans.  But, that might have been the best hot chocolate I had in my life.  I had a bunch of candy in my bag for the airplane ride and did better not eating that.  I made it through for a while, and then there were the chocolate chip cookies.  Oh, and I left the girl scout cookies at the store, so I wouldn't be tempted.  But, then came the threat of a lock down.  So, the cookies came home and those thin mints and tag alongs were gobbled up in a minute.  I didn't bring anything in the house for awhile.  But, then driving by dairy queen several times and seeing the drive thru was open, I became weak.  I had a heath bar blizzard and a butterfinger blizzard and each of the two visits I  couldn't leave without some ice cream sandwiches for the freezer.  As, Easter got closer and I had some coupons for CVS and in came the Easter Candy.  And then the belguim chocolate cookies and chocolate eggs from Aldi.  So, I was tempted and tried to resist, but you were there for me.  And, I really needed you.  
     When I sorted through all of the Christmas cards from
the last couple of years, I went through each one.
I found an unopened card with a $25 gift card for Dunkin' Donuts.  I decided yesterday to get a hot chocolate and a chocolate donut.  It was late in the morning, so I got two.  I am counting points for weight watchers and I had one for breakfast and one for lunch.  It did the trick.  The thought of you, repulses me.  I will try to make it through the next three weeks without you.  I know it will be difficult.  I know I will have you again,  but not as much.  I know you think you are irritsistable, and you really are.  I don't want to go the rest of my life without you.  I just need a break.  I just need to show myself I am strong.  I need to know I have the will power I always had.


So, my journey for the next three weeks.  It starts with an intention and I will keep a visual journal for accountability, and will share how I do.  I have not had pepsi or coca cola for three weeks.  I did have fresca and diet root beer.  But, I am pretty happy I gave up the soda with the caffeine in it.  I will try not to buy soda, either.  I don't really crave it, which is helpful during these times.  I have tried to stick to weight watchers, but last week I stopped tracking and missed the workshop.  So, I want to focus more on trying to lose weight, instead of comforting myself in uncertain times.  I want to get out and walk more instead of just taking a drive.  I think I found where I can park and walk without a problem.  

Quote of the day:  Action is the foundational key to all success.  Picasso

Song of the Day:  Candyman  Sammy Davis Jr.


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