Step #2: Just Do It!

This picture is of my Mother's Day gift from my daughter Kaylyn. When I put it in the car I had a foam beverage holder and I put it in the holder. I no sooner pulled out of her street and it tipped over. I felt so bad all the way home. I put it next to the door and walked by it many times before taking care of it this morning by planting it with potting soil and giving it a good soaking. And, while doing all these things I wondered why I didn't do this in the first place. Why did I have to pass by it and felt bad about myself? I have talked about my gardening skills before, but I am really into digging deep into feelings lately. What brings bad feelings and what brings good. I also dug deep into a huge patch of grass that takes over my bird bath plantings. I pull up in my car and look at it, and think how pretty it would be if I just dug it out. I have tried before without much success. It only took about an half an hour, and I realized I could do it without help. I started to work faster and more determined. And, when I was all done I was greeted by a lady bug on the leaf next to me. My point is how we feel about ourselves really sets the mood for ourselves and everyone around us. I have given up on being perfect, I AM moody. That is a fact. But, we can work on ourselves by focusing on what frustrates us each day. With that said, I am lucky I have the time to sort through all of this. But, another reason for the picture is the pot is handmade. It is made by my daughter's mother in law and my daughter painted it. Her sister in law is making beautiful earrings with dried flowers. Kaylyn is making watercolor greeting cards, clay mobiles and ornaments. They all work FULL TIME. The time off from lock down gave Kaylyn's mother in law time to set up her studio with potter's wheel and a kiln in the basement. They will be doing a farmer's market every Saturday this summer. I hope to get to one! The name of business in Montanye Makers and you can find them on instagram.


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