#12 Don't Step On A Crack

This was a week for clarity for me. On my journey to joy I found myself doubting myself. I found myself questioning what path I am taking. Am I on Easy Street? I don't think so. I made myself vulnerable in many ways. I really was reaching up to touch the sky. I made efforts in all I am involved in. And, they could have turned out better, but I wasted a lot of time, because the outcome wasn't as great as I expected. When the week went on, I realized I learned this lesson early on in life. The harder I try at something, the more I am disappointed in myself. So, this is the good part. My meditation was perfect this morning for where I am in this journey. Here is a quote from it :"A seed sprouts and grows into a plant without struggle, doubt, or effort. So why then do we struggle with our personal growth and spiritual transformation?" I actually was giving a pack of seeds in every ebay order, I had, up to a few weeks ago. My orders stopped, so I stopped trying so hard. Anyway, the picture above is some alyssum that has grown through the cracks of my driveway. When we first moved here I would plant flowers in a garden next to it, but I haven't in years. It is covered with a weed guard and mulch. So, again I am being taught I don't have to try so hard to grow. Yes, I can put myself in vulnerable positions to grow, but I can consciencely take some time to enjoy myself. I started this week with this in mind, and I can feel I am rounding another corner. I can see clearer what my life needs to succeed or basically feel joyful. I can grow flowers, but don't need to be planting seeds all the time. I can stand back and watch what life brings me naturally. And, in this time of life I don't want to waste another second. I really want to enjoy life with all my heart. Quote for the day: “We're all broken in one way or another, but it's through the cracks in our souls that the light comes through. And the light, Jenny, that's our art. Now, paint. Paint as if your life depends on it.” ― M.J. Rose, Tiffany Blues Song for the day: Christina Aguilera Change


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