To Thy Own Self Be True

One of the hardest things I have ever been able to create is a self portrait. It is one of the most encouraged projects when you go to school for Art, but not mandatory. I did one I might share tomorrow I did for Advertising Art some 30 years ago. In the summer I was attempting to do one again. I had found this photo copy of my engagement picture my daughter had started to use for her Senior Thesis. She had cut the middle as a woman's profile and added the gold glitter. I found it while going through our basement. (Which I have spent a few hours each day trying to organize and throw out one bag of garbage each day). So, I put it with a Frida Karlo activity book I worked on. Frida was known for doing mostly self portraits. I just stared at it and couldn't do it. So, yesterday I picked up a box of markers I discovered downstairs. And I went to work on creating this self portrait. I also picked up where I left off in drawing a face and flowers for Lilla Rogers class on Creative Bug. It is SO much fun. I also have been writing each morning. A story is unfolding and each day as soon as I wake up it is there. So, I get on the computer and write a few paragraphs. I have been drawing some characters to go along with the story as well. I have to say fear is the biggest fault I own. Fear of disappointment. Fear of the future. One of the worst I own is fear of success. Fear of not being liked. Fear of failure. It's a big shadow. And, without trying, the thing I noticed first on this self portrait is a shadow. I didn't try to create it, but I see it! I am definitely still a work in progress even if I am in my sixties! But, most of all I am getting better. I am just plain doing! Not having any expectations. Just playing.....and creating. Yay! Quote of the day: Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren't meant to be. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible. Cindy Sherman (her show was one of the best shows I experienced with my daughter and son at the MOMA) Song of the Day: Darkness on the Edge of Town Bruce Springsteen


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