Keep Calm and Carry On

Yesterday was a great day to be my four year old self. Honestly, she has no understanding of what is going on and neither does my sixty one year old self. We both think the best thing to do, is to just keep calm and carry on! The story of this picture is a very vivid memory. My parents took us to Santa's village somewhere in the mountains of New York. It had snow and reindeers to feed outside. It was magical as you can see in the expression on my face looking at santa. But, if you look at my brother's nose you will see that it was cut. The bus we were on lost control and hit a pole. Buses didn't have seat belts in those days and my brother's nose went right into the bar from the seat in front of him. It was traumadic for the whole family, driver and bus load of people. But, we went on with the day and made the best of it. But, I think the moral of the story is our parents and decision makers of this country want the best for all of us. And, most of all they want to keep us safe. And sometimes while trying to do the best things for us, they realize there are many factors that can't be controlled. A good example for me would be seat belts and bicycle helmets. I am risistant to both, even though they keep me safe. I don't like them, I dont like feeling strapped in and I hate a wobbly thing on my head while I am trying to feel free riding a bicycle. And, yes I had to go through years of making my children wear helmets and seatbelts in the car. Yesterday was the icing on the cake. The height of our country being out of control. There seemed to be no right or wrong. Nothing made sense. Except to end such a bizarre day, the government went back to work and did their job. And, the media has a new story to spin. And, I do believe someone who wanted to make our country great again, put us to shame. Shame on us, shame on all of us. How do we ever be proud of us as a people ever again? I think to go forward we might have to look at the world through the eyes of a child. What makes them scared and hopeful at the same time? I think it is respect and faith, but I also think the BIG word here is empathy. And, I can say I was lucky enough to have a mom who made me empathetic by the time I was four years old. And, you don't get empathy from a child by being perfect. It is just the opposite. So, one week into the year 2021 I am still looking forward to a whole new year, although yesterday will be a scar that will last forever. Quote of the day: “I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting.” Winston Churchill Song of the day: Carry On Kansas


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