
Showing posts from 2020

Greetings from Geralyn

Out with the old and in with the new. As we enter into a new year I feel very excited. I have the time to devote to something I have always wanted to do. I am fascinated by greeting cards and have always wanted to design a line of cards. I started some small works and became stumped of what to say or how to execute the verbage. But, am happy I am taking some time to paint items we only usually see during the holidays. I have taken pictures in Cape May and Spring Lake of Victorian Houses during the holidays. I hope to continue painting as much as possible. The computer is still amazing to me in finding what interests me and facebook still presents me with the most information. I follow the Winterthur page the most, because it is a half way point on my drive to my daughter in Maryland. The facebook shared an old card depicting a pink victorian house from the Carolyn and John Grossman collection. I had completely forgotten Winterthur had purchased the collection. I will never...

Celebrating Christmas Cards

I have been home the last few days to open the mailbox to find Christmas cards. I would do a little happy dance, with each one I opened. I know how hard it is these days to accomplish this. I still love facebook to keep up with friends near and far. A lot of what I wrote about in the beginning of the year is the effect of computers on our lives. How it more easily documents our time, but also robs us of many hours we would have accomplished something. The last few years I really have been taking the time and savoring the Hallmark aisle during Christmas. It used to stress me out, to take the time to find a card for my immediate family. Now, I savor the time and it is full of good intentions, as I read many cards until I find the perfect one. Memory keeping has been a struggle for me the last ten years. Why do I save everything? Going through Christmas decorations, I also found piles of photo cards from past years. I found a way to make ornaments out of the cards and mail...

Celebrating Downtown

I walked the entire legnth of Third Avenue Spring Lake yesterday. I took pictures of what sparked some thoughts of gratitude. Growing up in Spring Lake stirred up some very good Christmas memories, too. I have driven into town , but haven't taken the time to appreciate all the decorations for Christmas. I looked at the town in a whole new way. Occasionally, it was as a little girl, presently as going through a store closing, and best of all thinking of the future of the town. And, with all the creative spirit and beautiful decorations it looks like the future is bright. There are new stores opening featuring local artisians, an enlarged golf store, wreaths on almost every door, and just an overall welcoming feeling. There was a little bit of reality, too. One restaurant on the corner has put up barriers for outdoor dining. With a strong wind yesterday, some of the tables were knocked over. But, with the decorated barriers and the open sign it showed a spirit of overcomi...


As the end of the year is approaching, I find myself planning out the next year. Afterall, 2020 turned out nothing like I expected. So, how do I go into the next year uncertain? But, really every new year we are uncertain of the future. There is the science of what could happen based on history, but no one actually really can say what the future holds. This year I expected to focus with 20/20 vision. Instead the biggest lesson learned , for me, was I have control of nothing! I am liking this lesson. I like trying to make the best of things and then looking, seeing and appreciating what is good around me. I really like looking at the paintings I created. They are small, but to me, they speak volumes. Why did I choose the colors I did? Looking at it now, they are the colors of the store I have been working in, which will close in three days. Why did I pay so much attention to a dollhouse from when I was thirteen? Why do I feel this need to make bedspreads, wallpaper, an...

Oh, Christmas Tree!

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is bringing a live tree into the house. I have been looking at life through the eye of an artist this year. I realize so much of life, how we decorate our homes, what we cook, and what we wear are reflections of what we think and feel. I also realize the more thoughtful we are about something, it justdoesn't turn out how we want it to. My favorite family memories of when I was young was picking out the Christmas tree. We didn't travel far. We went to Huhn's in South Belmar (now Lake Como). It was a nursery on a busy corner in the next town over. When we would search for the perfect tree, believe it or not it cost us just one dollar. There was a pile of outcasts of dollar trees. My brother, sister and I loved watching the Charley Brown holiday shows together. We would take a really long time at the pile to pick out the perfect one. My brother's job was to hold up the tree and twirl it and my sister, mother and I would ...

Well, It's Alright

Change is alright. It takes a little while to get used to, but, it's alright. I had to write this morning, because I realized I only have one more week at April Cornell in Spring Lake. The last day we will be open is next Saturday, December 19th. A lot of customers are taking advantage of all the good prices. They will look all around as they are leaving and look me straight in the eye, thank me and give me thier best wishes. It is heartwarming. When asked if I am sad. I answer how can I be sad making all of you so happy with these great prices at Christmas time? One customer said it was surreal, and hard to handle, because the store is her happy place. And boy, did I relate to that! I always thought it was surreal. Of all the places for there to be an April Cornell store, I still can't believe it was in New Jersey. If I picked my five favorite Artists, it would be April. I bought all of her books, bought her clothes and linens and ended up working for her. Wow,...


It's times like these I am glad I am a collector. Everything I made this Angel from I collected. I have been using a lot of my supplies and plan on continuing this all Christmas Season. Working at April Cornell and having to buy my mom clothes was a blessing the last few years of her life. She would love and wear whatever I brought her. She would express how beautiful the cloth felt and how it would make her feel beautiful. When I collected all her belongings I knew I had to keep them, especially anything with embroidery. When I was going through all of my collections, I found these beautiful fashion plates (pages from fashion catalogues during the Victorian period) I had bought at a Paris flea market. I had made copies of the ones I used for these ornaments. The idea was born to make these special ornaments for my tree this year. I LOVE them and they give me joy! I added the angel wings this morning. I did buy a pair of scallop fabric scissor shears for the bottom of...

Make Your Own Sunshine

Waking up to a dark and dreary day, makes me wonder what to write about. Going through pictures to share, I chose the one above. It was taken back in May, when I was not only painting, but practicing my lettering with a sharpee. Do you believe you can make your own sunshine? I think you have to believe it to achieve it. I am wondering the best way to make it through this day. First music always does the trick for me. I am sharing the one song I heard on the radio this week that lifted my spirits. Then I am going to stay in bed and watch "Godmothered" on Disney Plus on my laptop. This year since my mom has passed, I am really trying hard to heal the little girl in me. My mom and I had a special relationship and I miss her. I was afraid of not feeling like doing anything that makes me happy. I am truely surprised at how much it has been the opposite. Turning sixty one, for me, is about just getting things done. So, since I hosted Thanksgiving and I got a lot done ...

Create a Cozy Corner

Christmas is a day of celebration. And yes Virginia, it will be a little different this year. But, being home for the holidays is always a welcome part of the season for me. A place to rest and feel at peace, surrounded by my favorite things. I do love decorating for Christmas. It does come with some stress for me. So, I started early this year. The last couple of years I have really gotten into Hallmark Christmas movies. TV has always been a big part of my Christmas traditions. In the beginning all the shows were black and white. But, as I got older the Christmas shows have gotten more colorful and realistic. They are more relatable, buy yet still a fantasy. Which is what Christmas really is. Christmas was never perfect. In my household it wasn't. But, it was what we made of it. This year spending a lot of time home alone. I do get to watch more Christmas shows then ever. I used to buy snacks at Trader Joes to keep until we had company or the actual day of Chris...

Take Joy

I finished the wreath! I haven't been able to accomplish so much in one day in a lonnnng time. Bought a tree and had it decorated by 3pm! I am amazed and found joy in doing it. Here is something I read in the beginning of December, which always helps: I salute you. I am your friend, and my love for you goes deep. There is nothing I can give you which you have not. But there is much, very much, that, while I cannot give it, you can take. No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today. Take heaven! No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little instant. Take peace! The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in darkness, could we but see. And to see, we have only to look. I beseech you to look! Life is so generous a giver. But we, judging its gifts by their covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living spl...

'Tis the Season

I am in the middle of so many projects, it's hard to share just one. I love this time of year. This is the delusional time I think I can get all of these things done. I have a long list to check off today. So, if all goes right I will be able to show a picture of the finished wreath in tomorrow's post. So, I finished my Ebay listings for December yesterday. Check! No more listing for the year! WOOOOhoooo!!! It takes hours of photo taking and writing descriptions. So, today I am going to try again to get a lot of tasks done, like cleaning the oven etc., bills, post office etc. Then I hope to move on to decorating and finishing this wreath. I have a bunch of fun and EASY projects to share this month. I hope you will follow along. Quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Song of the Day: Believe sung by Josh Grobin for the movie Polar Express I alwa...

Kingdom of Days

Well, November didn't end up quite as expected. I lost my motivation to get all 30 boxes listed. I ended up with some bumps in the road. I had someone bid on an item and it got up to $20 for a magazine and then cancelled the order. I expressed my disappointment and she left me horrible feedback and she wasn't even a customer! Ebay reviewed it twice and won't remove. I don't really understand, because she is not a buyer or a customer and it is feedback for customers or buyers. Then I kept having someone offer below the opening bid and then kept trying and getting within 50 cents of the bid. So, what to do.....what to do! So, I made some changes and am now have a buy it now format on what I could change while listing. Wish I could revise or cancel while in auction format, but will try to get every listing cancelled by the 20th of Christmas. This way everything can be shipped to arrive before Christmas. But, I was happy to come home to two sales last night. I...

The Winslow Papers Vintage Victorian Images

I talk about how I always wanted to have a store, and how I actually took the leap in 2010. It's hard to believe it was ten years ago. It's really hard to believe I bought the items pictured more then twenty five years ago. I was working at Brielle Galleries at the time and saw a classified ad for Reproduction Victorian papers to be auctioned off at Allaire Airport. I couldn't believe how it all worked out, so I could attend. Glen gave me $60 to buy whatever I wanted as a Mother's Day present. When I walked into the hanger with my mom, I was so excited to see boxes and boxes of a product I loved and wanted to carry in my imaginary store. I always thought when the twins entered school, it would be great to have a store they could come to after school. We were a little late to the auction, so I didn't hear too much of the guidelines. But, I watched with horror as each lot was being bought by the same person. Obviously, someone with a big truck an...

Building a foundation

As I dig deeper of how to sell quicker and more on Ebay, I am learning through trying. I am trying to take better pictures, adding more keywords, writing better descriptions, wondering if it is better to show the front of the box or what's in it and keeping the account active each day by listing an item each day. But, I think the best part about selling on Ebay is hearing feedback and getting reviewed . I really appreciate it, and it can make my day. It feels like having cheerleaders rooting me on to keep going. I am up to 34 positive reviews and the Frida box was one of them. She said the box was beautiful and she loves it. That means SO much to me, and keeps me going. If I gave an analogy of a tree it would be like the rings in the trunk of a tree. I have been building strong roots and now a strong trunk to hopefully be more successful as an Ebay seller. It is definitely a hobby and I give anyone who does it full time as income a lot of credit. It isn't easy ...

Getting To The Root of Things

I was happy to take a ride a few weeks ago and take a some pictures at the Farmstead Arts Center. When I learned about Farmstead Arts in Basking Ridge I expressed some interest in renting studio space. I took some time and looked at the space available and thought seriously about renting the space next year. But, after some thought, I don't think I am ready. I really am happy to be able to set up a room in the basement, again. So, I have been listing on ebay. I am even getting close to filling a big garbage bag to get rid of all the scrapbook paper. It just is so much time to sell all of this. I have been giving some of it away, too. Goals are being met. And, I have figured out some time savers. I just have to figure out how to be found among a billion active listings and 180 million active buyers. I started off with adding some extras with what I have sold in November. I made stickers to put on each item sold this month that read: November 2020 a month to ...

November A Time to Remember and Treasure

One week into November and the weather will be sunny and in the seventies this weekend. Usually November is spent on social media sharing what we are grateful for. It will be easy to do this year. Even though we are seeing horrible numbers in hospitalizations for Covid, we are able to know a vaccine is on it's way. The testing is faster, easier and more available, so we can be sure we are not carriers if we are exposed. One thing I have learned during the hardest of times is there is always something to be grateful for. What I learned in October by creating everyday is inspiration can easily flow if we follow and keep what we love close to us. And, in doing so it can help letting go of things we love easier. I could come up with 30 things or themes of what inspires me and brings me joy within 5 minutes. And, to have made all that I did with ease was quite an accomplishment. If you said for me to make 30 different boxes in a month, the task would seem too big ...

Put Fun in Getting it Done

October has only a few days left, so I can safely say in my most irish way. "It's been the best ever!" Woah! That totally goes against my belief system. I am a big believer in Murphy's Law and you never say anything like that, before something is over or something will go wrong. As I am getting older, I am making a conscience effort of not having that way of thinking. It sucks the joy out of the everyday. I also am proud of myself for creating a goal for myself and finishing a few days early. It gives me time to get a head start in getting ready for November. Really looking forward to my children's favorite holiday: Thanksgiving! I was a born procrastinator and am relishing not putting as much off and getting things done. But, not only getting done, having fun while I am at it. No dreading, no guilt, no regrets, no distractions, just focusing and finishing. Letting go and downsizing can be daunting. But, having the idea of making th...

Let's Hear It For The Girls!

If my morning glories could sing this morning they would be singing "Let's Hear It For The Girls"! I started watching some motivational videos sparked from Brene Brown's latest interview with Abby Wombach from the US Soccer team. We are in the midst of pandemic of covid. But, also a pandemic of NEWS full of negativity, fear and downright meaness. We are forgetting how far we have come as a people. We are NOT celebrating the goodness in American people. We are assuming from what we are told. Assuming is NOT truth. Hear say is not truth. NO ONE knows what the future will bring. We need to have faith over fear. We need to celebrate the NOW and not assume what ONE person is good for the future. I am trying to summarize in my head to write a post about achieving goals and ended up realizing Nike has it right. JUST DO IT! Stop all the talking, overthinking, wondering the outcome, doubting yourself, wasting time and JUST DO IT! One of my favorite quo...

Thinking Outside the Box

Celebrating keeping a goal for 21 days. This means I decorated 21 cigar boxes. Photographed each one. Took a video of each one. Most posts include quotes. Shared on instagram by a video with music, which shared each day on facebook . I am learning a lot about creativity and what sparks it. And, each box I am sharing what I love. So, the next part of this will be filling each box with items I want to sell. It started as gift box for the the little mini paintings I have been making. Last night I actually created 6 boxes. This morning I photograped each one and made the video tape. This will allow me to focus on November. In November I will be posting a box each day on ebay. As I am creating. I am also observing, reading and wondering how to get more seen on ebay. That is my main goal! And, if you are a friend on facebook, I don't want you to be annoyed by my daily posts. So, each day I will be posting on my blog each box with a link. I will share my listing on eba...

What's the Story Morning Glory?

Watching my heavenly blue morning glories this summer has been like reading a really good mystery novel. Each day, like turning a page, wondering if they will ever bloom. And, then the day came, the word I would use to describe staring at the first bloom would be triumphant! Oh what a feeling! For me, it shows the importance of planting seeds. Literally, planting a seed, and then mentally, carrying out an idea or a goal. Then having the patience and faith that eventually it will flower. But, really, there was a good chance if it was cold earlier it may have never bloomed. So, out of something you can't control, there may be a good ending to your story. Then being totally grateful for all this warm sunny weather in October! So, this one bloom has a gigantic story! I would like to compare it to creativity. Sometimes you get an idea, let's compare that to the seed. Then you may think about it or actually act upon it, like planting the seed. Then you may just watch it g...

Relax Refresh Recharge

We have had some spectacular weather lately. It has been nice spending my days off out and about. I have found so much inspiration in the changing seasons, nature, little shops owned by artists and the sea. I feel more relaxed. I am proud of myself for keeping up with the challenge of making a box each day. It has taught me so much of how I need to be creative during this time. And, looking at all that inspires me. By putting it out on social media has helped me feel I inspire others, too. Right now, that means a lot to me. I can't imagine keeping up this pace, though. I'll run out of ideas eventually. The pictures above were taken at New Egypt Flea Market, which I can't wait to get back to. My favorite artist who had a building was Rustic Relics . I really enjoy when someone takes something old and makes something new. Yesterday I went to Barnegat Light in Long Beach Island to visit a little shop called W ildflowers by the Lighthouse. I really enjoyed t...

Sunflower Soul Sister

Happy Birthday to the best sunflower soul sister ever! Fun Facts: We met painting together at Georgian Court. We were in a lot of classes together, but she graduated a year ahead of me. We went to Washington DC together for my graduation from college. For many years after, we went to major exhibitions together. Van Gogh, Degas, Gaugain and O'Keefe to name a few. She loves Van Gogh more then I do! She and her husband went to Amsterdam to vist Van Gogh Museums. She is a very talented painter. She painted Murals for twenty years. We both have a son and daughter. We both have lost our parents. And, she shares a birthday with my mother. We have started to paint together. She has been painting every night. Right now, on instagram you can follow her newest challenge. She is painting 30 self portraits. An incredibly difficult challenge. But, she is doing it and they are amazing! @liz_beres_scwartz Looking forward to what 2021 will bring in her creative life! Hap...

What am I doing?

If you follow me on instagram or facebook , you may have noticed I am up to something. Most of all I am thinking and creating outside the box. It all started when I was making a gift for my friend's birthday in October. I follow Graphic's Fairy , a website that uses graphics and makes them available to print in digital designs or to print for crafting. So, while I made it, I was having so much fun, I thought I should make more. When I gave the gift to my friend, she told me she started painting a self portrait every day. She saw there were thirty day challenges, so she plans on painting thirty self portraits. I get a lot of emails of sites I follow and one of them is called Creative Sprint. It is run by Noah Scalin (who I met at a Etsy Symposium) and his sister. It is a thirty day challenge and October prompts started arriving in my email. I started making another box, and I thought I should make this a thirty day challenge, too. Within minutes, I had thirty themes...


I just heard a really good podcast from Brene Brown today and it rang true for me. I actually feel lucky the whole world is struggling right, now. Because, it helps to know the person who studies and has the answers for vunerability is struggling, too. So my revalation is the same one I had in high school. "It Ain't no sin to be glad you are alive" sung to me in the song Badlands by Bruce Springsteen. The same song in my head when Glen and I sat on the rocks of the real Badlands in the middle of the United States. I remember, vividly, how I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be with someone and travel cross country with them. I couldn't wait to just get to a rock and look for miles and see absolutely NOTHING but hard rock (no growth or sign of life) and sky. It was like every worry and thought of concern was washed off of me. I kept saying to myself: "It ain't no sin to be glad you are alive". And, grateful is a small word for the o...


I had to take a different way to work yesterday. So, I went to Allenwood post office to mail some ebay orders. I figured I could get my lunch to bring at Allenwood General Store. It was closed. But, looking at the windows, I thought I could capture some good pictures. I included my mask to represent this time. About five years ago I had taken a picture in front of a window in New York City. I haven't been able to capture one since. So, I took many pictures and settled on this one. So, the first one actually had the word Curious on the window. And, it came while I was curious of what my future would bring. This picture brought out the importance of taking the time to observe. Taking the time to observe nature's work, or the beauty of antiquities, or just the quiet time on a beautiful morning to be thankful a building like this still exsists. I was trying not to be too disappointed I wasn't going to have a pork roll sandwich for lunch. I have been thinking a l...

I Need More Time!

My last two days off from work taught me some very valuable lessons! Most of all I need more time. It all started when landscapers came in the morning and my tv went off. I went outside to empty my car of groceries that did not need to be refrigerated. I greeted them and they greeted me back. I put away the groceries and saw they were just about to leave. So, I went outside and said it looked good where they took a bush out covering our utility box. I asked if they turned the cable off to do the work, and if they were going to turn it back on. They said our cable wire wasn't dug far enough in and they cut it. Okkkkk I said what do we do now. And, they said for me to call the cable company to come fix it. So, luckily I have a cell phone to call. But, I don't have the number, I open the computer to get the number. Oh right, I have to have wi-fi cable to do that. So, I find an old bill for the number and I am put through a number of prompts and can't get anyone ...