Make Your Own Sunshine

Waking up to a dark and dreary day, makes me wonder what to write about. Going through pictures to share, I chose the one above. It was taken back in May, when I was not only painting, but practicing my lettering with a sharpee. Do you believe you can make your own sunshine? I think you have to believe it to achieve it. I am wondering the best way to make it through this day. First music always does the trick for me. I am sharing the one song I heard on the radio this week that lifted my spirits. Then I am going to stay in bed and watch "Godmothered" on Disney Plus on my laptop. This year since my mom has passed, I am really trying hard to heal the little girl in me. My mom and I had a special relationship and I miss her. I was afraid of not feeling like doing anything that makes me happy. I am truely surprised at how much it has been the opposite. Turning sixty one, for me, is about just getting things done. So, since I hosted Thanksgiving and I got a lot done last week, I am going to not run around this morning, as normal. I am going to just watch a childish movie, which I hope as Disney always does will spark some joy. I hope you believe in making your own sunshine. Because, today is one of those days. Quote: The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all. Mulan’s father, Mulan (Disney) Song: Welcome to the World by Cheap Trick


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