I Need More Time!
My last two days off from work taught me some very valuable lessons! Most of all I need more time. It all started when landscapers came in the morning and my tv went off. I went outside to empty my car of groceries that did not need to be refrigerated. I greeted them and they greeted me back. I put away the groceries and saw they were just about to leave. So, I went outside and said it looked good where they took a bush out covering our utility box. I asked if they turned the cable off to do the work, and if they were going to turn it back on. They said our cable wire wasn't dug far enough in and they cut it. Okkkkk I said what do we do now. And, they said for me to call the cable company to come fix it. So, luckily I have a cell phone to call. But, I don't have the number, I open the computer to get the number. Oh right, I have to have wi-fi cable to do that. So, I find an old bill for the number and I am put through a number of prompts and can't get anyone to talk to. Then, I get disconnected. Then I decide I will answer every prompt with talk to an agent.....you get the idea. A LOT of time and I am getting nowhere real fast. Finally, I talk to a VERY nice customer service rep, who calms me down. And, she says the soonest they can get there is the next morning. Thankfully I am off the next morning to meet them. I start thinking how in the world would I have handled that conversation if I needed my cable for work or my children needed it for school. Luckily it comes into conversation with the VERY nice customer service rep. WOW! We are in for a LOT of changes and time is a BIG part of it. I called my time at a home a gift during the pandemic. Because, you can NOT buy time!
I was killing time, and I ended up looking up recipes in real cookbooks, and not on the internet. I found a recipe for garlic potatoes and just needed some thyme. I went for a ride not needing anything, but just to get out of the house. I got a pumpkin spice frapaccino, it soothes my soul and calms me down. And, then decided to go to Whole Foods to buy some flowers to calm me down even more. Then I remembered I need thyme! I spent the whole time in that store. Where is the thyme? They have to have thyme? When I found the thyme, I thought I finally have the thyme.
Well, all this got me thinking: I need more time! So, officially I already am taking an extra day off (Thursdays) in October as a weeks vacation. So, yay I have more time. But, the next day when I did have the time and the computer I listed ten Bruce Springsteen lots on Ebay and it took forever. It was fun at first, but it took up SO much time. I decided that in October I turn 61, and most of all I feel, there is some fun that needs to be done. So, I am not cooking or listing on Ebay on any of my days off in October. I have a trip planned to see my daughter and family, a trip to Atlantic City and some other fun things planned. I love October and often refer to it as Rocktober! I just can't believe it is next week! Where does the thyme go?
Quote of the day: Time is money. – Benjamin Franklin.
Song of the Day: Time is On My Side by the Rolling Stones
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