Celebrating Downtown

I walked the entire legnth of Third Avenue Spring Lake yesterday. I took pictures of what sparked some thoughts of gratitude. Growing up in Spring Lake stirred up some very good Christmas memories, too. I have driven into town , but haven't taken the time to appreciate all the decorations for Christmas. I looked at the town in a whole new way. Occasionally, it was as a little girl, presently as going through a store closing, and best of all thinking of the future of the town. And, with all the creative spirit and beautiful decorations it looks like the future is bright. There are new stores opening featuring local artisians, an enlarged golf store, wreaths on almost every door, and just an overall welcoming feeling. There was a little bit of reality, too. One restaurant on the corner has put up barriers for outdoor dining. With a strong wind yesterday, some of the tables were knocked over. But, with the decorated barriers and the open sign it showed a spirit of overcoming anything. Looking at my reflections in the pictures I took, I felt positive, hopeful, thankful and most of all joyful. With all the news of staying indoors, it is nice to get out and walk in nature. But, to appreciate an area where people decorate to make you feel festive was very appreciated. So, if you have been home for a long time, or are too busy to really appreciate something. Take some time, take a walk and take a long breath. Breath in all the goodness and breath out all the madness. (even if it is in a mask). Celebrate something you have been meaning to do. Celebrate! Take Joy! Song of the Day: Downtown by Petula Clark The soundtrack of my 5 year old self. Often sung by me to myself as I skipped into town to buy a candy bar. Quote of the Day: I've spent my life capturing beautiful images. And whether in wilderness or in the downtown of a giant city, I find connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty that I recognize as a part of me, a part of all of us that celebrates life. It's my great pleasure to share with you that energy which inspires me; this great visual beauty of our world. Louis Schwartzberg


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