
I had to take a different way to work yesterday. So, I went to Allenwood post office to mail some ebay orders. I figured I could get my lunch to bring at Allenwood General Store. It was closed. But, looking at the windows, I thought I could capture some good pictures. I included my mask to represent this time. About five years ago I had taken a picture in front of a window in New York City. I haven't been able to capture one since. So, I took many pictures and settled on this one. So, the first one actually had the word Curious on the window. And, it came while I was curious of what my future would bring. This picture brought out the importance of taking the time to observe. Taking the time to observe nature's work, or the beauty of antiquities, or just the quiet time on a beautiful morning to be thankful a building like this still exsists. I was trying not to be too disappointed I wasn't going to have a pork roll sandwich for lunch. I have been thinking a lot about what I want to create in the future. And, these days of observing and being ispired from the computer have been full of new ideas. It feels really exciting. Because, lots of ideas and wanting are coming to me easily. I write them down in a journal when I have time. I can't wait to get to work on them, and that is a great feeling. Quote of the day: “Give me the splendid, silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling.” – Walt Whitman Song of the Day: Sara Barellis More Love


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