'Tis the Season

I am in the middle of so many projects, it's hard to share just one. I love this time of year. This is the delusional time I think I can get all of these things done. I have a long list to check off today. So, if all goes right I will be able to show a picture of the finished wreath in tomorrow's post. So, I finished my Ebay listings for December yesterday. Check! No more listing for the year! WOOOOhoooo!!! It takes hours of photo taking and writing descriptions. So, today I am going to try again to get a lot of tasks done, like cleaning the oven etc., bills, post office etc. Then I hope to move on to decorating and finishing this wreath. I have a bunch of fun and EASY projects to share this month. I hope you will follow along. Quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Song of the Day: Believe sung by Josh Grobin for the movie Polar Express I always start the season listening to this song. Makes me believe I can achieve!!!


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