What's the Story Morning Glory?
Watching my heavenly blue morning glories this summer has been like reading a really good mystery novel. Each day, like turning a page, wondering if they will ever bloom. And, then the day came, the word I would use to describe staring at the first bloom would be triumphant! Oh what a feeling! For me, it shows the importance of planting seeds. Literally, planting a seed, and then mentally, carrying out an idea or a goal. Then having the patience and faith that eventually it will flower. But, really, there was a good chance if it was cold earlier it may have never bloomed. So, out of something you can't control, there may be a good ending to your story. Then being totally grateful for all this warm sunny weather in October! So, this one bloom has a gigantic story! I would like to compare it to creativity. Sometimes you get an idea, let's compare that to the seed. Then you may think about it or actually act upon it, like planting the seed. Then you may just watch it grow or it may not even break through the dirt. What is your natural reaction? Never do it again, because you figure you don't have a green thumb. I think the ideal plan is to plant many seeds and not just depend on one. In creativity the more you do, the better your odds are to succeed. October for me started out being a time I was going to use my extra day off from work a week to rest, relax and recharge. What happened was I got the bright idea to make a box a day to sell on ebay. What happened to sprark this? One thing was a trip to a flea market where I actually saw some morning glories in full bloom. That gave me the faith, that there was some hope for my morning glories. Then I saw vendors who were creating and making money at what they have created. My favorites are Artists who find a new use for items normally discarded. Making something from nothing gives me that triumphant feeling, too. Then talking to my good friend she was challenging herself to paint 30 self portraits. I have never been able to do one self portrait. So, I REALLY admire her challenge. So, when I made a box to give to her as a gift, I realized how happy it made me feel. So, I decided to make a different box every day for 30 days. I had no intention on selling them until a friend asked if I would sell them. Then the idea came to fill them with small items that are too time consuming to sell. With each box having a theme, that will be fun to get together, too. All, while completing the goal of selling all my extra "stuff", collections and supplies. But, really after 18 days of doing this I realized what I was creating was teaching me. For November I would like to document it all. 30 boxes in 30 days is what was made. But, what did it teach me? It showed me what inspires me. They are the seeds!!! I can put all these ideas together with a post each day telling their story. I can open my heart each day and tell the world what inspires me. Not an easy thing to do, without the confidence to know someone out there cares what my story is.
So, this is the introduction of my story and each day of November will be a chapter. I will compare November to an acorn. From an acorn grows a tree, and November's blog post each day will be a branch that I hope will touch and connect with people. I need to market these boxes. I started this week by searching altered cigar boxes and reading about who is creating them. By, the end of November I want to see if a search engine actually finds me when I search for an altered cigar box. Because, ulitimately for me to go to all this trouble, I have to have someone interested in what am doing and buy my product. That is the ultimate goal. To branch out and be seen. To connect with kindred spirits.
Ultimately, through all of this, I would like to think Nature is my biggest inspiration and what I am grateful for. This includes human nature, too, of course. We are each different, but the same. (My kids say that about themselves and I love it). Through adapting to life through the special time of Covid, I am most thankful for what seeds bring us. It is that which makes us rich beyond measure. This time of covid has brought us to a new appreciation of the outdoors and the beauty around us. We can't praise inside churches side by side, but we can open our doors and inhale a big breath of fresh air and be thankful for everything around us. We can praise and celebrate the simple things. Things we don't buy, but maybe it's a bird singing to us. Or a shell we found on the beach. I can't walk by a whole acorn, now, without picking it up. A sunflower which was drooped down in the pouring rain one day, but lifts it's face to the sun in another. Each day brings us something and with that being said, even a rain drop can be beautiful. Because, without the rain a flower can't grow. So, I hope you join me on my journey. And, I hope I make you feel inspired and thankful for all that is around us.
No more quotes or songs of the day of what inspires me. It is time for me to inspire you, with what I have created by making something out of nothing.
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