Dream of Light

When I wake up, my mind is full of all the good things I want to accomplish each day. As the day goes on I accomplish most and that makes me happy. I am not too sure I was always this way. Sometimes I feel that I talked myself out of doing a lot. Because I wouldn't succeed in finishing or it wouldn't it wouldn't be worth my time. The picture above is the sunflowers grown by me for the first time with seeds. For example, I have bought packets of seeds for years and wouldn't plant them. I didn't want to take the time and have nothing come of them. I think it goes back to when I was young. I do remember a summer I planted seeds and every day I would look and nothing would happen. When I first would become a homeowner I would pass by houses with beautiful gardens and wonder how they grew so fast. My first house I finally grew flowers in the sand! I had asked at the nursery, and luckily a freind from high school guided me to what to buy. Then when we had a big backyard with a fence, we did have a big vegetable garden with success. The best year we ate corn we grew from seed. Those summers we had lots of zucchini bread and eggplant parmegan. It always tasted better straight from the garden. I learned to put newspaper under the soil, in between the plantings, so not to have to weed as much in June. I learned each year the soil was not as good as the first, so I would buy bags of soil to mix in. I began to just use plants instead of seeds. I never seemed to have the time in May to plant seeds. So, we have been in this house for the last ten years, and they cut your lawn. We do have three feet from our house to plant. I would plan a garden and never follow through. This year at home gave me lots of time to plan and plant seeds. The sunflowers and marigolds flowered this week and made me SO happy. I still wake up every morning to see if the heavenly blue morning glories have flowered, yet. But, I don't know why I still look, when their are not any flower buds, yet. So, during this time, I also see what inspires me like magazines, taking classes and going to museums. And, I think I have had enough inspiration and it is time to just make do with what I have and have experienced. Then yesterday I found who is responsible for something I have been admiring the last couple of years. On instagram and facebook the flower installations have appeared. With great perspective in New York City huge flower arrangements have been appearing out of garbage cans! Well, yesterday on TV I found out who the was responsible for the "Flash Flowers". You can find him here: https://lewismillerdesign.com/flower-flash/ It is a beautiful website and he offers Classes! Very tempting! Anyway, the lesson learned is no matter where you are in life there is always inspiration and lessons learned. Quote for the day: This is my all time favorite, by the way! Quote by Samuel Johnson: "To improve the golden moment of opportunity and catch the good that is within our reach is the great art of life. Song of the day: Bruce Springsteen The Rising


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