Eeeeek! These Are The Days

This was a hard goal to make happen. I wanted to make 6 boxes, fill with supplies, photograph and list by the end of September. Even though I wanted to get it done by the end of September, I felt pressured to get it done by yesterday the 16th. Next, I want to work on Springsteen merchandise. I also want to put together some mail to get out for the last week of September. It is thinking of you week. Did you notice the cancellation on your personal mail this month? Proud to have sold 46 items in total and now have feedback of 29 positive reviews since April on Ebay. The goal is to sell 54 more items by April to become a top seller. I realized the listings on ebay get lost after it is posted on facebook, so I decided to number each and list here on my blog. I was happy to see I have a bid on one already! Also, thank you so much to two friends on facebook who purchased a total of four mini paintings. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quote of the day: “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” – Deepak Chopra Song of the day: These Are The Days Van Morrison


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