I LOVE Sundays

I love Sunday when I can start my day by watching CBS Sunday Morning! The show is SO insprirational and motivating! I love, now, if I miss it, they show each story on facebook. I wanted to talk about goal setting and how very important it is to be inspired and motivated by "something". I have to say I was taught goal setting in manager training at Boscov's. We had a month of daily training, mostly with speakers. I still remember the the goal setting day where we were taught about SMART goal setting. SMART stands for: S-specific M-measurable A- achievable R- revelant T- Time Bound. I remember we were to stand up and tell a goal. I stood up and said I wanted to go to Italy. Two years later my mom called me and told me she wanted to take me to Italy. Ten years before I asked her and she said that she wouldn't be able to keep up with me. Sometimes it helps to have someone else help you, but mostly it is up to ourselves. I have reached this time in life where I don't want to join anymore groups to lose weight. I don't want to take any more classes in art. I don't want to buy anything unless I use it right away. I don't really want to travel, yet. This all helps me attain some really important goals on my own. My biggest goal this summer was to go to the beach as much as possible, list and sell on ebay, and visit with my daughter and grandson every three weeks. They were positive goals that would bring some joy into my days off from work. I ended up painting which was a huge bonus. I ended up fixing up the patio and growing sunflowers, marigolds and morning glories by seed. This brought me the most joy, but the heat really took away from enjoying the space most days. The bugs in the evening were relentless, too. I am looking forward to setting some goals for the coming months. I am on track, which feels great. I even completed Halloween products to sell on ebay. I just have to photograph and list on ebay soon. But, for a September goal I am hugely happy I created the boxes to sell already.


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