Rise and Write

So happy to go to the next Rise and Write class this morning. I am also happy with goals met in this last half of the year. I have had a lot of fear, anxiety, hopelessness and basically a loss of faith in the human race. And, I feel the last ten or fifteen years has helped me find a way out of those feelings. There have many ways I have shared how minfulness has helped me. First, it was the creative retreats. Then it was Deepok Chopra and Oprah Winfrey's meditiation. Then is was magazines like Flow and Breathe. Now, I have been able to use all those tools to help. Basically it was all written about in the book "The Secret". It is basically how to have positive thinking. The ways I have been lucky this year is to find a job that shares my same values. I am working for a very compassionate company and they are on the same track as I am. I am finding room for growth. And, our team met goal in November....woohoo! We also all recieved blankets, which is keeping me warm and cozy as I write this. The second is my apartment where I am living. It is everything I love. Not, only decorated in victorian vintage, but french. I came home last night and the view outside my window with decorations is beautiful. It is pine garland, a nativity with a giant star and it frames the view of the ocean. As I was painting, my landlord was decorating the outside. The holidays have always been so challenging to me. This year having someone decorate is like I have been sent a Christmas Angel. Third and this is not in any order is my children and grandson. Always filling my life with joy. But, as they get older I truly admire there resilience. I remember reading how we shouldn't worry about our children as much, because children are naturally resilient. Well, I don't know how not to worry about my children or grandchild. But, I do find as you become an adult the world can swallow you......if you let it. But, anyway with all the changes our family has seen this year, I am glad they are adults and can adjust to a tough situation. Well that's my life in a nutshell right there. Because I gotta get to class! Quote of the day: “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” ― Elizabeth Edwards Song of the Day: Brave Sara Bareilles


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