Life is a Merry Go Round

Life is a Merry Go Round, and simply put, sometimes you just want to jump off while it is still going round and round. Yesterday, was one of those days. I was on my way to work at a place I never had been before. I was thinking of my friend, who had brain surgery as I passed by the exit where she lives. I was in traffic because of a horrific accident with about five cars and one was completely turned over and the windows were completely flattened. I was left wondering if anyone in that car survived the crash. I was about a half an hour early to walk and find my destination. I started taking pictures of the beautiful Christmas decorations at King of Prussia Mall. And, just like that, I recieved a life changing phone call. It wasn't about my friend who had surgery, she made it through fine. It is something I can't really write or talk about. So, the first thing I thought was I have to give up writing for awhile. But, like always, I had a hard time sleeping. I did go to work, and like always, that is a distraction that helps me not think about horrible things. So, I am comparing it to a Merry Go Round and riding through life with a big handful of balloons. And, one by one the balloons pop. How do we react? How, do we want to go on celebrating life, when we are dealt with disappointment over and over again. What if we held on to the balloons for a really long time or they were just given to us that day. Does it matter? What if in just one years time, your balloons just keep popping over and over again. How do you go on celebrating without them? How do you ever feel joy again? I woke up to read my emails and one of my email boxes have advent devotions. One from the Catholic church and one from a greeting card company. The words were comforting and just what I needed to read. This journey to joy is God's path for me and I need to continue getting up each morning and riding the merry go round. I don't have to worry about the balloons popping. I just need to know sometimes life comes with them not popping. Last year when I visited my grandson at Christmas time, he still had balloons from his birthday the month before. They were in the corners of a room and occasionally he would pull one out and play with it. I was in total amazement. He had no fear of them popping. He would smile the biggest smile and throw them in the air. Pure joy!!!! I saw this little act of playing as a miracle of the human spirit. And, I definitely was taking notes in my mind. To be like that little one year old. That by not being scared of an outcome I could come out joyful. I may not feel it from time to time. But, I know with coping skills and most of all taking time to play, life can be the best Merry Go Round ride ever. Quote of the day: I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. —Romans 15:13 NLT Song of the day: 99 Red Balloons NENA


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