
I have one more week of my 30 day writing challenge and I am having trouble trying to find something to write about this morning. But, I think what I am going to write about is choices we can make in our mood. Or how to think of the glass as half full when it is half empty. Or when you are a writer or artist and you feel "who cares". When self doubt creeps in and it is just hard to find a subject to write about. So, I am going to go back again to when I was a little girl. One of the lessons I remember imagining the most is when I learned about Helen Keller. I sometimes think this is when I first became empathetic. But, I do remember being empathetic with my mom ,before I started school thinking of ways to make her feel better or trying to get her to talk to me, when all she wanted to do was read a book. But, I remember coming home from school after learning about Helen Keller. When I got home I sat in a dark closet and could not hear anything. I tried to stay there as long as I could. All I could feel was the emptiness and darkness. It was not a good feeling and I couldn't wait to get out of there. Then I tried to close my eyes and find my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth. As I fumbled my way, I couldn't ever imagine being Helen Keller for even a day. So, in watching the movie "The Miracle Worker" I learned through her senses of touch and taste she could learn to speak. So, there is already a writer that I follow who is going to write a book about the five senses and happiness. But, this holiday season it is up to me to be happy. Santa Claus won't be riding in on his sleigh to save the day. We all learn this lesson as children when that thing we really wanted is not under the tree. For a long time I never waited for anyone to buy me flowers. When I felt the urge, had some extra money in my pocket, I bought my own flowers. My mom even told me she was impressed by that, because she never thought of doing that. She also didn't work and make any money, she always had an allowance for the food store. So, I am sharing what I am doing this advent to treat myself. The picture above I am a little behind in, because I was away for a few days. It is an advent calender from Laduree. Laduree appeals to all of my senses. Love the artwork, the sound of the cellophane as I am opening it, the feel of the candy, the smell of chocolate and the sweetness of the taste. So, with lessons of Helen Keller it is a blessing to have all five senses and what we can use them for to feel better. Empathy is something I was always thankful for having for others. But, my empathy was strongly tested this year. And, I wonder if I didn't have empathy, my life could have changed sooner. But, as this year is coming to an end, the bottom line is I just have to accept circumstances and move on as happy as I can make myself. And, treating yourself with empathy becomes very important. So, the next thing I am going to write about it is the "you deserve it" way of thinking and how that can eventually lead to trouble. Quotes of the day: I couldn't just pick one quote from Helen Keller so here are ten! 1. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” 2. “We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.”3. “Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” 4. “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” 5. “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” 6. “My share of the work may be limited, but the fact that it is work makes it precious.” 7. “No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.” 8. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” 9. “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” 10. “When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don’t see the one that has opened for us.” Song of the Day: Imagine by John Lennon


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