Life Lessons from the Ocean

Every day I walk the ocean lately, I learn so much about myself. Mostly about my own assumptions and how wrong I am. For example, I see a lot of people already scanning my favorite pile of shells (really gravel lately). I stay six feet away, and think I won't find anything near them. I take two steps and there it is a piece of sea glass. Or I think I should walk away from the ocean for warmth. But, as I walk I realize it is so much warmer right on the edge of the ocean. I also will see something tumbling in the ocean, and think the ocean is going to make me work for that piece of green glass tumbling back and forth. But, I learn with patience and observing I can win over the powerful pull of the ocean. In the winter I don't want to get wet. But, if I prepare by wearing uggs I can get wet, and stay warm. So the biggest lessons are PREPARE, BE PATIENT, DON'T ASSUME, BE OPEN, and most of all ENJOY what you can't control. So, in conclusion I hope there is something in your life that doesn't cost you any money, but can teach you. And help you be a better human. It is a gift worth seeking. A walk in the woods, waking to see the sunrise, having a late dinner to enjoy the sunset, sitting in a church, enjoying early buds in a garden, a walk through a free museum or just hitting the road with the music up in your car. I just read this book with great quotes from great women. I found one by Audrey Hepburn about walking through museums. Quote of the Day: Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering--because you can't take it all in at once. Audrey Hepburn Song of the Day: Hold On by Alabama Shakes


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