Bluebird On My Shoulder

Yesterday I decided I wanted to paint bluebirds. I have never seen one in person. So, I googled it. Much to my surprise there is a park about thirty minutes south with bird boxes for blue birds. Since, it was pretty warm last week and they start to appear in March, I took the ride. The name of the park is Cloverdale Farm County Park in Barnegat, New Jersey. But, they don't call it the pine barrens for nothing. I did see a huge egret type bird take off when I got to the water's edge. I am looking forward to going back. It is an Ocean County park with new heated bathrooms and visitor center which is open on the weekend. The bluebirds love it there, because of the cranberry bogs. It is an old farm that harvested cranberries and Christmas trees. Absolutely beautiful off of a dirt road, but just off the parkway. I can't wait to see a bluebird. They are part of so many victorian images I love, but surprised I never saw one for real. Quote Of the Day: Be like the bluebird who never is blue, For he knows from his upbringing what singing can do Cole Porter Song of the Day: Miranda Lambert: Bluebird I saw her sing this the night before on the Grammy's


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