
Showing posts from September, 2020


I had to take a different way to work yesterday. So, I went to Allenwood post office to mail some ebay orders. I figured I could get my lunch to bring at Allenwood General Store. It was closed. But, looking at the windows, I thought I could capture some good pictures. I included my mask to represent this time. About five years ago I had taken a picture in front of a window in New York City. I haven't been able to capture one since. So, I took many pictures and settled on this one. So, the first one actually had the word Curious on the window. And, it came while I was curious of what my future would bring. This picture brought out the importance of taking the time to observe. Taking the time to observe nature's work, or the beauty of antiquities, or just the quiet time on a beautiful morning to be thankful a building like this still exsists. I was trying not to be too disappointed I wasn't going to have a pork roll sandwich for lunch. I have been thinking a l...

I Need More Time!

My last two days off from work taught me some very valuable lessons! Most of all I need more time. It all started when landscapers came in the morning and my tv went off. I went outside to empty my car of groceries that did not need to be refrigerated. I greeted them and they greeted me back. I put away the groceries and saw they were just about to leave. So, I went outside and said it looked good where they took a bush out covering our utility box. I asked if they turned the cable off to do the work, and if they were going to turn it back on. They said our cable wire wasn't dug far enough in and they cut it. Okkkkk I said what do we do now. And, they said for me to call the cable company to come fix it. So, luckily I have a cell phone to call. But, I don't have the number, I open the computer to get the number. Oh right, I have to have wi-fi cable to do that. So, I find an old bill for the number and I am put through a number of prompts and can't get anyone ...

Thinking of You

Did you know there is a "Thinking of you" week" It was started in England only a few years ago. Our post office has been onboard and the whole month of September uses cancellations marked with "Thinking of You" Have you seen them? So, I hope you can get some mail out this week. I am so happy to have gotten these rose postcards as the SLHS attic sale. I will make stickers out of them and attach them to Paper Source's blank cards. The vintage stamps came from Paper Source, too. Kaylyn has one right next to her Trader Joe's. So, last visit, I was able to do a little shopping for card making. Quote of the Day: To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine! ~Susan Lendroth Song of the Day: Bruce Springsteen's Letter to You

September Roses

Yesterday I bought this original oil painting signed Loretta for a dollar. It was at the Spring Lake Historical Society's Attic Sale. I really wanted a locker door from the South End Pavilion, but they were sold out. When I asked how much the painting was , I was so surprised it was just a dollar. But, she started telling me about the artist and that she lived on Atlantic Avenue. I grabbed a piece of paper to write this down as fast as I could. I was secretly hoping she lived near me and then she said it. She lived on Atlantic and fifth. The lady next to me said to me in a lovely British Accent: "You have to write all this down." I looked up and said "I am". "No, you have to tell your story, you are a wealth of information",she said. I was pretty excited about the fact she was living in the house only a block away from where I grew up. I went on to tell about the Printing Press that was on my block, too. But, I smiled a big smile (benea...

Eeeeek! These Are The Days

This was a hard goal to make happen. I wanted to make 6 boxes, fill with supplies, photograph and list by the end of September. Even though I wanted to get it done by the end of September, I felt pressured to get it done by yesterday the 16th. Next, I want to work on Springsteen merchandise. I also want to put together some mail to get out for the last week of September. It is thinking of you week. Did you notice the cancellation on your personal mail this month? Proud to have sold 46 items in total and now have feedback of 29 positive reviews since April on Ebay. The goal is to sell 54 more items by April to become a top seller. I realized the listings on ebay get lost after it is posted on facebook, so I decided to number each and list here on my blog. I was happy to see I have a bid on one already! Also, thank you so much to two friends on facebook who purchased a total of four mini paintings. 1.

Take It Easy

That's it! I am taking it easy on myself! I set up my table with supplies to paint and was ready to listen to "Bruce from his home to yours" on Sirius on my new Amazon Dot Echo. Alexa couldn't understand me and told me to ask her later! She said that 3x. Ok change of plan. I really wanted to paint to this, but I quick grabbed a mask, so I wouldn't miss a minute. I decided to head to New Egypt to a flea market. As I approached and was 10 minutes away, I realized I lit two candles by the kitchen sink. The debate in my head began. The practical me turn around and headed home. The music in the show was about the end of summer and I was starting to get depressed. My imagination was going crazy with thoughts of the house burning down. And, then I thought how my imagination always gets me in trouble. And, why oh why do I always think the worst outcome will come out of me doing something stupid??? I am hard on myself. I started to relax when Bruce talked ...

Time Creeping Up On Me

It was two weeks ago when my table was filled up like this. It seemed so early for Halloween and Christmas, and now I am working on photographing and listing on ebay and I feel rushed. So, I decided to get my thoughts together on my blog. So, it's a little chilly out. I already got some chores done outside, and it was nice not totally sweating. The breeze feels good. So, what if I was hoping for a beach day. I can still take a walk on the beach, when I get some things done. These boxes I am working on listing on ebay are really cool. I have three filled to the brim with supplies to make mini-scrapbooks. Three are for decorating for Halloween. Each have two homemade greeting cards. The box is collaged by me and would be great to keep Halloween pictures and memories. I think they would be perfect for candy and to use to give out candy. My next project is to sort through all of my holiday decorations, to give some away. And, then organize what I am keeping. It would be...

When Life Gives You Lemons.....

> Make Lemonade! My Ebay store is my lemon-ade stand! When setting goals it is REALLY important to make it fun! Especially, if you are working full-time! Coincidentally, I have re-connected with neighbors from more then forty years ago, who were my best customers. And, they commented on facebook how I drew when I was kid. It's SO important to try to capture those glory days. I have been watching Anne with an E on Netflix. It is reminding me of how I was as a little girl. Reminding me of days spent in a fort my brother built, spending time at the edge of a pond, running through fields and woods, and most of all using my imagination. The poor girl (Anne) would get into trouble every time she used her imagination. When is Anne ever going to learn to stop talking? That is where I was different. I was quiet and kept my imagination to myself, for fear of getting into trouble. It is really sad, because as we age and go to school we are taught to be quiet, behave and God...

I LOVE Sundays

I love Sunday when I can start my day by watching CBS Sunday Morning! The show is SO insprirational and motivating! I love, now, if I miss it, they show each story on facebook. I wanted to talk about goal setting and how very important it is to be inspired and motivated by "something". I have to say I was taught goal setting in manager training at Boscov's. We had a month of daily training, mostly with speakers. I still remember the the goal setting day where we were taught about SMART goal setting. SMART stands for: S-specific M-measurable A- achievable R- revelant T- Time Bound. I remember we were to stand up and tell a goal. I stood up and said I wanted to go to Italy. Two years later my mom called me and told me she wanted to take me to Italy. Ten years before I asked her and she said that she wouldn't be able to keep up with me. Sometimes it helps to have someone else help you, but mostly it is up to ourselves. I have reached this time in life whe...

Dream of Light

When I wake up, my mind is full of all the good things I want to accomplish each day. As the day goes on I accomplish most and that makes me happy. I am not too sure I was always this way. Sometimes I feel that I talked myself out of doing a lot. Because I wouldn't succeed in finishing or it wouldn't it wouldn't be worth my time. The picture above is the sunflowers grown by me for the first time with seeds. For example, I have bought packets of seeds for years and wouldn't plant them. I didn't want to take the time and have nothing come of them. I think it goes back to when I was young. I do remember a summer I planted seeds and every day I would look and nothing would happen. When I first would become a homeowner I would pass by houses with beautiful gardens and wonder how they grew so fast. My first house I finally grew flowers in the sand! I had asked at the nursery, and luckily a freind from high school guided me to what to buy. Then when we had a...