My World in Blue and White Project
This is a blog post about the first three months of 2021 during a pandemic. I am a work in process and have learned most of all the importance of living in the moment. I have learned a LOT from doing daily practices. Making goals in my Ebay shop. Learning about Women Artists and taking some classes. Clearing out the past of "stuff" in my basement. And, best of all being the best "4 year old self" possible. I am going to list Five links of Women who have influenced me the most in living life in the moment and creating daily practices. Their resources are mostly free and have endless amounts of inspiration. My main goal is to do this with the resources I already have on hand and keep the costs down as much as possible. I strayed away a little bit and it really taught me that is ok. Just learn from it and move on. I start my day with resources on the computer. Here are the five sites I use the most. I also have been able to take free workshops through z...