And the Beat Goes On

So, now we are faced with the empty nest.  And, I decide to open a store in Asbury Park.  I already had a blog and etsy shop by the name:  Greetings from Geralyn.  After one week, I knew I had made the wrong decision.  My stomach hurt, I couldn't sleep, and spent most of my waking hours thinking about it or being there, to not miss any business.  Glen would come and sit on a bench outside.  He would watch people walk by.  He would say, you spend all this time and they are not even looking at your windows.  So, he came up with the idea of making clocks and bowls out of records.  At the same time we were getting ready to downsize and had a box of records by our door for months, not knowing what to do with them.  It was a hit.  We struck a chord.  We, now were in this together.  We also, on our way home would stop for dinner where there was live music.  Then Ian started to play locally and in Philadelphia.  Kaylyn was set to help us out and ended up living in China for six months teaching Art.  Our life was enriched and busier then ever.  Then Sandy hit and changed everything.  Personally, we had just moved to a neighborhood with no large trees and all the utilities were underground.  We looked at the house right after Irene, so we knew we were going to be safe.
But, as far as the business we knew it was going to take a few years to get back to where we were.  Ironically, it was a frozen pipe bursting over our two stores, that would really effect most of the inventory.  So, we gave it three years.  I worked full time at Boscov's and would fill in for Glen while he was driving the school bus.  
But, through all of this we found what had brought us together.  When we met we were out practically every night listening to bands and dancing.  So, it was nice to rekindle that part of our life again.  Live music is invigorating.  It really makes me feel alive and joyful.  And, now through all of this the whole world is effected.  In writing this I think I found a common thread.  And, that is creativity is what gets us through.  Finding a way some how, some way.  And, the more desperate we are, brings the best out of all of  us.  
In the last year I was able to travel to Nashville and New Orleans.  I am so glad I was able to see them both in all of their glory.  But, I know deep in my heart that all of this isolation will be a distant memory and they will be back better then ever.  I am looking forward to seeing what all of this brings.  And, most of all, I think we have a better appreciation of the Arts and how they are so important.  Yes, they are essential!

Quote of the Day:  An optimist, is someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it is Cha Cha”. – Robert Ersolt


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