Two Million Card Giveaway by Hallmark

I started this blog about how art has helped me get through life with ease.  I also wanted to talk about retail today, and how the internet has changed downtown shopping as we remember it.  Hallmark has been very influential to me over the years.  Around thirty years ago, before we had children, we actually traveled the country to look for better job opportunities.  We spent a few days in Kansas City.  I toured Hallmark and we took some time to look at real estate.  I fell in love with a Victorian House in Independence Missouri.  We made a list after that summer and because of our love of the Jersey Shore we settled back in Manasquan.
Hallmark is a symbol of hope for me.  I thought they were doomed twenty years ago.  I had the Hallmark software, and wondered who would buy a card after making a card on their own computer.  I used the software to make Christmas cards, Birthday cards and invitations.  But, the strong Hallmark brand, who tells us to care enough to send the very best, has come out to be majorly successful in the last ten years.
Two Christmas's ago our family went through a very tough time.  My daughter has talked about it briefly on instagram, but I truly don't like talking about it.  But, it was a loss to our family and I really needed comfort.  I didn't want to burden my mom or friends.  My co-workers knew because they were there when I would get the phone calls.  It is always hard to grieve, but it was especially hard during the hustle and bustle of Christmas time.  But, I actually found comfort in a CVS aisle looking at Hallmark cards.  I took the time to find the right card for each member of our family.  They even had cards you could take as part of their merchandising.  I took them and still read them today for comfort.  Subjects of the cards are how to deal with grief, mental illness and serious illness.
Yesterday I wanted to write out cards, and thought I would watch some Hallmark channel while I wrote the cards.  But, the couch and comfort food won.  I don't regret it.  I know I will have today, tomorrow and after last night announcement a lot of tomorrows(announced last night a date of April 30)  at home to write cards.
Hallmark channel plays Christmas movies everyday from late November until January.  Two weekends ago, they decided to play Christmas movies all weekend long.  Why?  The movies are hopeful and always have a happy ending.  Also, the commercials are positive and NEVER ever will you ever see a political commercial.  Now, that is an escape that I am savoring right now.  The commercials never come between movies.  So, as I go from movie to movie, I don't move.  I sink further in my couch and it is really comfortable.  I hope you are finding comfort in your home in some way.  It is Van Gogh's birthday  today who was a very hopeful person who suffered most of his life.  Oh, and go to Hallmark link, they are giving away 2 million greeting cards!

Quote of the Day:  “It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”  Vincent VanGogh

Song of the Day:  Don McClean:  Vincent   (Starry Starry Night)


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