Keep Your Hat On!
How many hats do you wear? I will start from the beginning: skater...embroiderer...girl scout..helper watcher..babysitter..neighbor..candy buyer...lemon-ade stand owner..shopper......I did all of these things naturally as a child.
Strong urge to be a wage earner I became: chambermaid...tablewiper (ha ha) salad and desert preparer...did the prepper....plater.....appetizer student....resident major....concert goer.....
Then moved into a steady relationship which made me a girlfriend.....fiance.....wife.....sister-in-law....daughter-in-law...homeowner.....landlord....homemaker..meal maker....bill payer...housekeeper...fireman's wife....ladies auxiliary member.....retail sales graduate....coast to coast traveler...happy camper...infertile.....pregnant mother....mother of boy/girl twins...homeowner of two houses...retail salesperson...department store department manager...unemployed mother....blogger.....etsy shop owner...assistant store manager....mother of college students...retail store owner....instagrammer....facebooker....mother of college graduates.....mother of a professional trombone player....mother of an artist working for Baltimore Museum of Art...independent house seller ( 3x)......wisher....dreamer...believer... store manager in hometown..... European lover.....watercolor dabbler and the newest and best hat so far......grandmother..... As I wrote this I realized I left out Aunt....Gardener and Cousin... I am sure there are more I could add on and will as I journey through this life.
I find that the books I read as a child such as the Little House on the Prairie and Little Women, were remarkable stories of surviving plagues, a sibling being blind and loss of young sibling from an illness. I never felt my life was that remarkable. But, after the year 2000 I have felt I am living in a remarkable time. We as a nation and world have gone through so much!
Lately, at the age of 60, I was fooled to think wearing all the hats would be easier. Life would start to slow down. But, most of all what I realize the best hat I wore was one of a magician. I can look back and ask myself: "How did I do all that?" And, honestly I can say with the utmost grace and dignity! Because, these are all good things that were given to me by being born to my parents in the land that I LOVE!!! God bless my parents and America!
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