Thanksgiving Thoughts

Today is Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. But, as I face the day and try to be the optimist, I have to face the truth. I am waking up by myself on Thanksgiving for the first time in thirty nine years. It is challenging,and I don't want to feel like I am in denial. Especially, as we approach the holidays. But, as the days pass in the life I am living today, it is important for me to look on the bright side. Like a sunflower, I feel I have to look to the sun. The sun with all of it's warmth and energy. Every day the sun is always there even during the stormiest days. Cheers to all we are thankful for. Even if your glass is half empty today, my hope for you is you can look at it as half full. After all, there is always something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving. Quote of the day: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do.” - Helen Keller Song of the day: Brightside by the Lumineers


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