Sunrise Sunset
I began blogging in 2008 after a department store I had been working at since 2001 had closed. I set my goals. I was going to open an etsy shop, go on a creative retreat, be a vendor at the retreat and start a blog. Within a month all of those things came true. For the month of December I wrote every day. It was such a treat to have a December off, because I was working retail for so long. I made the most of every day. It was still a challenging time, because my brother was in the hospital with pneumonia. My mother also decided she wanted to have a picture us, three generations of girls, in front of the eiffel tower. Kaylyn was taking french and studying Art her last year of high School. My mom ended up in the hospital and told us to go without her.
So, here I am still blogging. It is a pleasure to wake up and process whatever is going through my mind at the time. Right now, my mind is amazed how some people are put in our path. When I went to the first class for writing accountability called Rise to Write, it felt write (I meant right!). Thunderoad Books is where the class is in Spring Lake. It is located where April Cornell was for two years. It also feels right I am living in Ocean Grove where April Cornell was for the first two years. But, anyway as I was signing into class I heard "Hello Mrs Gray". And my mind went racing. First time someone said Mrs. Gray in a long time. I am soon to be divorced and lots of thoughts were swimming about. But, I turned and it was someone I had been thinking about for a few weeks. It was the two daughters of a classmate and friend who passed away suddenly. I was comforted by the thought that they were taking this class, and know writing will help them with the giant loss they are grieving. Ironically, I also saw her oldest daughter at the store I am working at. Because, she came in to shop for one of the sisters. And, my mind now went to serendipity or devine intervention or just plain coincidence. Did you ever think; "WOW! if there is anyone I would like to run would be you!"
The girls have started a facebook page and it is called: Sunsets for Susan (thier mom). I was a friend of thier mom's on facebook. It was very noticiable on facebook that Susan was making the most of life and sharing lots of photos with her mom, immediate family and her grandchildren. And, in particular sunsets. They don't know this but, the ones she took at wreck pond have special meaning for me. I grew up across the street and started to notice on my way home from working in town, I noticed a bench. A bench to sit at when the sun goes down. I would sit there and think of all the time my brother and I spent at wreck pond. He would love to fish there. We would catch box turtles and bring them home. And, everyday could be spent watching the minnows or the swans gliding along with thier mates. Every winter we ice skated and he played hockey. One of the first things he bought when he started working was a kayak to go out in the water with. We were privledged to have a wonderful childhood there. Anyway, her pictures were comforting and I really enjoyed them. I hope you visit and like the page Sunsets for Sue. I will be sharing this on there and hopefully some of my sunrise pictures.
Quote of the day: “Writing is like breathing, it's possible to learn to do it well, but the point is to do it no matter what.” Julia Cameron
Song of the Day: "Follow that Dream" Bruce Springsteen
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