2020 vision with the Visionary Museum of Art

There are so many pictures and stories to write to end my posts from this pandemic.  This is something that wasn't in any of our foreseeable futures, except it happened.  We went into 2020 thinking our vision would be clearer and more focused.  I know, myself,
 I was ready for the challenges.  I made my calender at work to set my goals.  It would have been the most challenging year, yet.  Slowly as each week passed something which I had no control of changed my plans.  By, the end of February, I was throwing my hands up, and on a plane for New Orleans.  I needed to get away and change my way of thinking.  Basically, I had to surrender to all that was happening around me.  Let it all happen and then make an active plan of what I had control of.  But, then the pandemic happened and the world came to a grinding halt.  Before I knew it, everything changed.  Reality changed.  Planning changed.  The future changed.  Daily  life changed.  I thought, ok, I am going to make the best of these two weeks.  I am going to get a much needed rest, catch up on some TV, and maybe get some things done while I am at it.  I started with some personal challenges, like corresponding by mail, emptying out a closet of paperwork, making the patio a happy place, clearing out anything on the floor that should be in storage or in a drawer, and changing my clothes over to a new season.  Never did I ever think two weeks would turn out to be months.  Never did I think I would see the horror and violence last week.  
That's why I included the mosaic above from the Visionary Museum of Art in Baltimore, because I as a human being feel shattered.  I feel sick to my stomach.  My heart is broken.  I will listen. I will care. I will want everyone to be treated equally.  I will have empathy.  I will be sensitive to the needs and rights of all people.  That has not been shattered.  What has been shattered is my faith.  I will continue to pray for a happy ending for all of this.  I won't depend on my leaders to make that happen.  I know with all my heart it is the people that have the power.  We have the power, and I hope we stop concentrating on what we can not control and surrender by  bringing more peace to this world by our actions.
I now have two weeks before I get back to work.  I need to focus on the future, and not wallow in all that is happening around me.  Wishing my last post was a happy one, but it's time focus on the future and be prepared for the new normal.
I leave you with the most valuable words I have ever heard.  I actually heard them for the first time at Creative Escape in a class for keeping a journal for a 21 day challenge.  I had the chance to really think about this.  And, the last couple of months I have really been able to see my fears.  My fear has always been about the future and the unknown.  Always hoping for the happy ending.  We as Americans have freedom and opportunity.  But, the complexity of the economics of this country tends to influence what our dream is and how it ends.  

Quote of the Day:  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,” Williamson writes in A Return to Love. “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” written for Nelson Mandela

Song of the Day:  Defying Gravity sung by Idina Menzel

As a post note.  I would like to think I am approaching the future a a butterfly.  I look at this time as being in a cocoon.  I am ready to show the world my true colors.  I am ready to see mostly flowers and the positive in the world.  I am ready to flutter from place to place to appreciate all the goodness and richness in the world.  Butterflies are free to fly.  And, everyone deserves the chance to fly!


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