Life is a day at the beach

I left the house at 8am for a day at the beach, yesterday.  As I approached I realized I left my reading glasses behind.  I was disappointed, but realized I would appreciate just putting my head back and relaxing.  I took a walk, when I first arrived, and was chased by a swarm of green flies.  There was a west wind and it was very hot.  The water was beautiful and tempting, but no life guards were on duty, yet.  I sat down and thought I would make the best of it.  One by one those around me arose and said they couldn't take it and left.  Those who stayed, started swatting, covering their legs with their towels and spraying repellent.  I tried so hard to just enjoy the sun on my face.  But, I thought about going home and painting a perfect day at the beach.  I was happy AGAIN  to be in the air conditioning!   Today, my friend and are planning for a day of painting.  We had pledged this year we would paint together.  I guess August is as good time as any to start!  

Quote of the Day:  

“Don’t wish me happiness

I don’t expect to be happy all the time...

It’s gotton beyond that somehow.

Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.

I will need them all.”


Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Gift from the Sea





Song of the Day:  Little Steven  Until the Good is Gone   


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