Remembering My Dad
Growing up with my dad was full of adventure. He loved to travel. Most weekends we were taking a ride "somewhere". He always drove a convertible and back then kerchiefs were in style to contain our hair. He also was a "rock hound". He took us to places like Franklin, NJ and Herkimer, NY to hunt for fluorescent rocks or herkimer diamonds. He started out trading at rock club meet ups. Then that led to selling. When I was about five and in school full time, we started doing gem and mineral shows. This meant packing a station wagon full of tables, and displays of rocks, minerals, fossils and jewelry. Sometimes we would pick my dad up on the parkway to save time. He would walk there from Fort Monmouth where he worked. Most of the shows were in New England, upstate New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. The most important was the International Gem and Mineral Show in Washington DC, where he w...