Vacation.....all I ever wanted!

During my working years, every January would be the time to pick out vacation time! Traveling during a pandemic is not really a good idea. So, I daydream about all of the different vacations we have taken. I feel really blessed I don't have anything left on my bucket list. The most visited country, other then the USA, I have traveled to is Mexico. The summer going into Sophmore year of high school my dad told me we were going to Mexico. I actually was mad for a couple of reasons. I had finally gotten a job. I was working at the Warren Hotel as a chambermaid. I did it all on my own, even riding my bicycle to Manasquan High School to get my working papers. I was told I wouldn't be able to work there next summer, because I left before Labor Day. I also missed the first few days of my sophmore year. But, the trip helped with Spanish class and it really helped with the reality of how lucky I was. We had traveled to NYC so I was aware of poverty. The nitty gritty of it always made me scared and uncomfortable. So, when we were outside of Mexico City, I saw the majority of people's living conditions. There were no middle class neighborhoods. They were either extremely rich or extremely poor. There were a lot of beggars and much different from here in America. They would surround you and make it hard to walk. They would come to the bus and just beg and beg "por favor" (please!) It was eye opening. At the time I still remember one peso equaled 8 cents in 1974. When Glen and I went on our honeymoon in 1982 the banks were nationalized. We were there to witness an unstable economic turnover, and the peso was out of control, it's value changed daily. There was a lot of unrest and rioting. We were glad to get out of Mexico City and get to the resort of Aculpulco. Shopping in Mexico for me was never very fun. Nothing is usually priced. And, my dad loved to hagle. I always wanted an embroidered peasant top, and spent most of my time at mercardos looking but never finding the "perfect" one! I would end up buying little handmade nativity sets made out of clay. But, the last time we went with our children in 2017 shopping was really fun. My daughter and I would seek out as many handcrafted stalls as possible. She was looking for a backpack. I remember one of the things I hated about the beaches was being bothered by peddlers the whole time. But, this last time it was my favorite part of the visit. The picture of the peddler was taken from a chaise lounge on the beach. I still can't believe all the bags he had on his back. The backpack went home with my daughter. The bottom line is I am getting really bored. I feel like I need to get away. But, even after getting vaccinated next week, I don't feel like I am going anywhere, very soon. So, I can't wait to share with you an option, AND I don't have to leave home with this opportunity! Quote: “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain Song: Badlands Bruce Springsteen Barcelona was one of my most favorite places I ever visited. It was beyond my wildest dreams. Never EVER thought I would visit there.


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