Remembering my dad

When thinking of my father all kinds of thoughts come to mind. But, one that is well rooted is remembering him in action at his business which was called Stelle's Stones. I've talked on my blog before how he worked full time as an electrical engineer at Fort Monmouth, father of three and owner of Stelle's Stones. We as a family would travel to gem and mineral shows all over the east coast. Making many weeks endlessly tie together without days off. It was an adventure, seeing the country and spending time in different states. I learned mostly from observing and helping. He would also do some buying at the shows. This would give us time to "man" the booth. But, I watched and learned how to be a good salesperson from him. The most admirable trait he had was his product knowlege. And, how he was at the ready to answer any questions from customers eager to buy from him. That part watching him amazed me . So, going through his small collection I am trying to sort through, is comforting. Seeing his handwriting and picking up something that may spark a memory. He would hold the item in his hand and give a good history of the item, where it was found, how old it was and hand the item to the customer. Then after they asked again for the price, he would tell them. I loved when customers would ask about a healing property of a stone and he would say I don't know anything about that. He would just say something about the clarity and natural beauty of something, comparing it to a sculpture. One of the most fascinating items he sold was amber. Amber is not really a stone, but petrified tree sap. It is estimated to be about 35 million years old. He had mostly necklaces made from amber. He had quite a few that would have insects inside, that would make them more valuable. When going through his things, I was a little disappointed there wasn't any amber. So this is another reason I joined Trades of Hope there are amber bracelets and amber earring studs from Mexico! I just ordered them and recieved them yesterday. I was able to get them for free with goals I have reached with the company already. So, I was a little curious of why this stone means so much to me. I have been doing some reading and love what I am finding out. —fossilized resin from 30- to 60-million-year-old trees in Mexico, Tanzania, and the Baltic region, to be exact. “Amber is a form of solidified sunlight, as it is created by the synthesis of light by trees,” she explains. “It carries the vibration of life force held within the resin over thousands of years.” By stimulating the solar plexus chakra, amber empowers you to live with empathy and compassion. It inspires you to motivate other people, and propel yourself forward through the exchange of positive energy. Align your self-belief with your goals. This activates the hidden power of determination that makes you unstoppable in the pursuit of your life purpose. Talking of which, amber shines a light on the path you need to take in order to hit your targets. Most of all this Father's Day I am learning how to deal with loss in a positive way. My dad has been gone for a long time. Days like Father's Day trigger all kinds of feelings. I want every day to be as good as possible, and not dwell on the past. I also want to bring all of my good memories to light and keep that my focus. Quote of the day: A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way. Author: Unknown Song of the Day: Like a Rolling Stone The Rolling Stones


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