The Winslow Papers Vintage Victorian Images

I talk about how I always wanted to have a store, and how I actually took the leap in 2010. It's hard to believe it was ten years ago. It's really hard to believe I bought the items pictured more then twenty five years ago. I was working at Brielle Galleries at the time and saw a classified ad for Reproduction Victorian papers to be auctioned off at Allaire Airport. I couldn't believe how it all worked out, so I could attend. Glen gave me $60 to buy whatever I wanted as a Mother's Day present. When I walked into the hanger with my mom, I was so excited to see boxes and boxes of a product I loved and wanted to carry in my imaginary store. I always thought when the twins entered school, it would be great to have a store they could come to after school. We were a little late to the auction, so I didn't hear too much of the guidelines. But, I watched with horror as each lot was being bought by the same person. Obviously, someone with a big truck an...