
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Winslow Papers Vintage Victorian Images

I talk about how I always wanted to have a store, and how I actually took the leap in 2010. It's hard to believe it was ten years ago. It's really hard to believe I bought the items pictured more then twenty five years ago. I was working at Brielle Galleries at the time and saw a classified ad for Reproduction Victorian papers to be auctioned off at Allaire Airport. I couldn't believe how it all worked out, so I could attend. Glen gave me $60 to buy whatever I wanted as a Mother's Day present. When I walked into the hanger with my mom, I was so excited to see boxes and boxes of a product I loved and wanted to carry in my imaginary store. I always thought when the twins entered school, it would be great to have a store they could come to after school. We were a little late to the auction, so I didn't hear too much of the guidelines. But, I watched with horror as each lot was being bought by the same person. Obviously, someone with a big truck an...

Building a foundation

As I dig deeper of how to sell quicker and more on Ebay, I am learning through trying. I am trying to take better pictures, adding more keywords, writing better descriptions, wondering if it is better to show the front of the box or what's in it and keeping the account active each day by listing an item each day. But, I think the best part about selling on Ebay is hearing feedback and getting reviewed . I really appreciate it, and it can make my day. It feels like having cheerleaders rooting me on to keep going. I am up to 34 positive reviews and the Frida box was one of them. She said the box was beautiful and she loves it. That means SO much to me, and keeps me going. If I gave an analogy of a tree it would be like the rings in the trunk of a tree. I have been building strong roots and now a strong trunk to hopefully be more successful as an Ebay seller. It is definitely a hobby and I give anyone who does it full time as income a lot of credit. It isn't easy ...

Getting To The Root of Things

I was happy to take a ride a few weeks ago and take a some pictures at the Farmstead Arts Center. When I learned about Farmstead Arts in Basking Ridge I expressed some interest in renting studio space. I took some time and looked at the space available and thought seriously about renting the space next year. But, after some thought, I don't think I am ready. I really am happy to be able to set up a room in the basement, again. So, I have been listing on ebay. I am even getting close to filling a big garbage bag to get rid of all the scrapbook paper. It just is so much time to sell all of this. I have been giving some of it away, too. Goals are being met. And, I have figured out some time savers. I just have to figure out how to be found among a billion active listings and 180 million active buyers. I started off with adding some extras with what I have sold in November. I made stickers to put on each item sold this month that read: November 2020 a month to ...

November A Time to Remember and Treasure

One week into November and the weather will be sunny and in the seventies this weekend. Usually November is spent on social media sharing what we are grateful for. It will be easy to do this year. Even though we are seeing horrible numbers in hospitalizations for Covid, we are able to know a vaccine is on it's way. The testing is faster, easier and more available, so we can be sure we are not carriers if we are exposed. One thing I have learned during the hardest of times is there is always something to be grateful for. What I learned in October by creating everyday is inspiration can easily flow if we follow and keep what we love close to us. And, in doing so it can help letting go of things we love easier. I could come up with 30 things or themes of what inspires me and brings me joy within 5 minutes. And, to have made all that I did with ease was quite an accomplishment. If you said for me to make 30 different boxes in a month, the task would seem too big ...